Fresh Fundraising Ideas

Do you need some fresh fundraising ideas for the new year? Or, maybe it’s time to revisit some that have proven to work.

In her post, Seven quintessential nonprofit resolutions for 2012…and beyond, Pamela Grow gives us tips from creating a solid plan (it’s not enough to have a plan, you need to execute it) to starting a monthly giving program (something you may not have thought of before).

Direct mail is still one of the most common ways to raise money, but you need to do it well. Jeff Brooks shows us How fundraisers are getting it right in the mail These are simple techniques that show results. 

Focus your efforts on your current donors. It should require less effort than trying to find new ones. This post by Sumac talks about Creating the “Perfect Donor Experience”. It’s not just about the ask. Spend time thanking your donors and keeping them updated and engaged. Let them know how they are making a difference.

Speaking of saying thank you, Kivi Leroux Miller highlights Nine Clever Ways to Thank Your Donors. Be creative – don’t just send out the same boring thank you letter. Of course, also let your donors know how their gift is being used to make a difference for the people you serve.

I encourage you to give some of these ideas a try to keep your fundraising fresh.

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